Zažite bezstarostnú all inclusive dovolenku a sústreďte sa len na oddych. Užívajte si bufetové raňajky, večere a širokú ponuku vybraných all icnlusive nápojov z portfólia naojobľúbenejších značiek na trhu. Tešiť sa môžete aj na prosecco&piano večer a pravidelný kultúrny program.
V oboch balíkoch je pripravený je výber najobľúbenejších služieb:
- skvelé jedlo vo forme bufetovej ponuky
- neobmedzené množstvo alko a nealko nápojov z vybranej ponuky
- kultúrny program
- prosecco&piano večer
- vstup do termálneho bazéna a wellness
- liečebné terapie a masáže
Kedy ak nie teraz? Ťažko si predstaviť dobu, kedy bude viac potrebná regenerácia a wellness ako dnes. Rezervujte si u nás wellness pobyt, ktorý Vás privedie k vytúženému kľudu tela a duše a premení uponáhľaný čas na príjemné dni v čarokrásnom prostredí Kúpeľov Vyšné Ružbachy. Pobyt Obsahuje:
- ubytovanie
- polpenzia
- vstup do bazénu
- vstup do wellness
Obľúbený relaxačný pobyt začínajúci úvodnou lekárskou konzultáciou, pri ktorej sa vyberú najvhodnejšie liečebné terapie a procedúry pre regeneráciu a prinavrátenie vitality. Okrem oddychu tak získavate cielenú kúpeľnú starostlivosť, ktorá je efektívnou cestou zlepšenia zdravotného stavu a prevencie. Pobyt obsahuje:
- ubytovanie
- polpenzia
- vstupná lekárska konzultácia
- 2 procedúry/noc na odporúčanie lekára
- vstup do bazéna
Regeneračný pobyt zameraný na obnovu síl a oddych je ideálny pre klientov, ktorí hľadajú zdravie a regeneráciu v čo najkratšom čase. Očakávať môžete oddych v krásnom a pokojnom prostredí kúpeľov, skvelú kuchyňu a kúpeľné procedúry. Poteší aj vstup do wellness a termálneho bazéna napájaného z jedného z najvýdatnejších liečivých žriediel v Európe. Pobyt zahŕňa:
- ubytovanie
- plná penzia
- 1 liečebná procedúra/noc
- vstup do bazéna
This type of stay is intended particularly for persons aged above 60 years and it was designed with special advantages for you or your parents because we acknowledge and value the needs of the generation that needs a more advanced spa treatment. The stay comprises:
- accommodation
- full board in White House
- pre-admission medical examination
- 2 therapeutic procedures/night
- acces to swimming pool
The right therapeutic effect of a stay in our spa is guaranteed by our full-value complex therapeutic deal. Its composition is identical to that of our prescription-only spa treatment, so in this deal we offer you high-quality treatment in our spa, not conditioned by an approval by your health insurance agency.
- Accommodation
- Full board
- Pre-admission medical examination
- 3 procedures/night
- Access to the swimming pool
- From € 54/PERSON/NIGHT
- Stravovanie počas pobytov
- Občerstvenie v rámci kúpeľov
- Svadby v Bielom dome
„History, coffee and Spišská Magura“
Grand Hotel Strand is located under the eastern slopes of the Spišská Magura hill in the Stará Ľubovňa District. The building was built in late 1920s and early 1930s. Today, it is on the list of historical monuments. Thanks to the famous Polish noble family of Zamoyskis, the whole spa resort was renovated and improved, including the Grand Hotel Strand****. A touch of history will charm you in the premises of the main restaurant that offers a wide range of meals, and in the Lobby bar where those who fancy high-quality coffee and other delicious beverages will be very pleased. It is entirely up to you whether you decide to enjoy a unique atmosphere in the comforting hotel or a beautiful view of the outdoor swimming pool surrounded by mountains, which is offered at our suspended terraces.

The Hotel is situated right above the summer-time mountain outdoor swimming pool and it is connected to the Balneotherapy building with a corridor.
Available rooms:
- Single room
- Double room
- Apartment
- Maisonettes
In-room facilities:
Bathroom, toilet, radio, telephone, TV sat, Wi-F
Hotel amenities:
Hotel restaurant, Lobby Bar, summer-time mountain outdoor swimming pool
Other services:
Massages, therapeutic procedures, swimming pool, wellness directly in the hotel
This luxury hotel with a rich history was built in the Spanish style. All year round, it offers a thermal swimming pool filled with carbonic water from the Izabela spring with a temperature of 23 degrees of Celsius that emerges to the surface right under the hotel.

„Comfort, services and… thermal swimming pool“
For your comfort, we offer a wide range of accommodation options, including single or double rooms, suites, apartments or maisonette apartments. The hotel has 45 rooms with a capacity of as much as 99 guests. The rooms offer beautiful views of the surrounding nature of the northern part of the Spiš Region. They are equipped with standard room amenities—a TV set, telephone, mini bar, safe and, of course, the Wi-Fi signal. The hotel includes the Aqua Thermal Wellness with a steam herbal sauna and a dry Finish sauna. In both saunas, you will find a bucket filled with healing water taken directly from the spring for your refreshment, a hot tub, an indoor thermal swimming pool and a thermal outdoor swimming pool complex, which has long been the largest one in Slovakia.